A comprehensive approach to support decision making


A comprehensive approach to support decision making


Parta is based on a process that is designed to work towards a solution with a decision. The approach supports different steps with offline interventions, an online platform and a large network of professionals to help you implement the process and moderate sessions.

Parta supports all the steps in the decision making, including the configuration of the process and determining who can participate, who will be part of the groups and what will be the question that needs to be answered.

The decision making model
To help you make a decision that is based on the wisdom of the crowd and supported by the group you will go through a number of steps: create an agenda or inventory, analyze, solve and decide. Last but not least you need to govern the execution of the decision.

Parta supports the complete decision making process, or part of it. You decide what step is executed and by whom.

With Parta everyone can think, watch and decide with you. Every moment in the day, from every location.

Create the agenda or inventory

Every one enters suggestions

Group 1 groups

Everyone prioritizes

U can decision with everyone what needs a decision (create the agenda): What is important? What questions do people have? What topics should not be forgotten? What possible solutions can be proposed? 

When the topic is already known, this phase will be used to make an inventory of the issues around the topic. What questions do people have? What do people feel about the current situation? What can be improved?

The information that was entered is grouped to create a list of categories that you can use to explore the solution.

All participants, or a some of them - can enter suggestions online and/or ask questions. These questions, suggestions and answers are categorized during a physical or online session by a group of participants.

Everyone with access to the topic can view the session live and help the group by making remarks using the chat feature. A moderator guides the process. The session is recorded so people who were not available at the time can review it later.

The shortlist is presented to the entire group so it can be prioritized. This list of prioritized items can be used as input for the next steps in the process.


Group 2 explores
(with help of experts)

Before the group starts formulating a solution, the topic is explored. The conditions, (legal) requirements and stakeholders are determined. Subject matter experts can be asked to answer questions. It is important everyone has access to information and is on agreement about the ground rules for the solution. 

The topic is explored by a group of participants. Experts can help out again in this step.

This session is live streamed and is recorded so everyone with access to the topic can participate using the chat feature.

Parta shows the most important conclusions (requirements, conditions, etc.) and all relevant information that helps a participant to understand the topic.


Group 2 solves the problem
(with help of experts)

When the issue is explored in depth and the conditions for the solution are determined we can start solving the issue. For the solution subject matter experts might be needed. It is important that it is clear for everyone what lead to the decision and what considerations were taken into account

The groups that explored the issue also work on the solution, with or without help from experts.

The sessions and information that they use are shown in Parta to make sure everyone - live or after the session - can see how the group created the solution. The process is completely transparant.

The proposed solution is presented in Parta. If needed we can support with the design and creation of the presentation.

Dilemmas, proposals for change or questions can be asked before a final decision is made. This can be done using the suggestion, voting or prioriziting features


Everyone makes a decision about the solution

66% or more choses "Yes" →
Continue to execution

Less than 66% chooses "Yes" → Back to solution

Eventually everyone needs to decide whether a solution will be executed. Simply working with a majority vote is often not enough. That's why you can choose to use a majority of 66%. This percentage is up to you, you can pick any number. The group will be more content with the result if the solution is improved based on the objections of the minority. That is why we ask for a reason when a participant votes 'no'. 

The solution is presented in Parta. If needed we can support with the design and creation of the presentation.

All participant can indicate whether they agree with the solution or not, using the voting feature. When they vote 'yes' they can optionally add a reason. When they vote 'no' a reason is required. 

With this feedback the original solution is improved by the group who worked on the solution. Particpants can vote on the amended solution.

Regie op

Group 3 governs the execution
After a decision has been made, it is important there is follow up. This ensures that participants will be willing to join the next topic as well. During execution of the decision it might become apparent that changes are needed or a follow up decision needs to be made.
In Parta you can create a link to a project website or wiki in the outcome step. You can use the service of one of our partners to make sure that communcation is optimized even after the decision has been made.